Our families, friends, neighbors and those around, as well as places, cultures and experiences shape who we are. I certainly experienced my parent's Bee Gees obsession, and I loved it. I also got to live on outskirts of a polish, blue collar town, together with parents, grandparents, sheep, rabbits, chickens, ducks, hedge hogs, toads, and my three sisters.

Speaking of live entertainment and attractions, it must have been between my dad's two chord guitar nursery song, and my mother's impeccable recorder rendition of "El Condor Pasa" that my sisters and I all ended up in different denominations of the arts. But it was also watching them work as hard as they did, along with their kindness and continuos encouragement that changed chasing winds in the woods to woodwind practices, taking to chickens to speaking three languages, Bee Gees' spins to Balanchine's pirouettes, sudden fake allergy attacks in avoidance of having to handpick so many damn raspberries, to being truthful on stage. And most importantly - childhood dreams to a matue reality.

As a boy, I had a healthy balance of time spent inside and outside of the house. I could spin endlessly to "Night Fever" in my parents bedroom, roam free in fields and woods, or trespass with a bunch of the neighborhood kids. Time spent outside ran as fast as water inside uncovered manholes in places where we didn't belong... unless I had to peel potatoes, or help harvest our raspberry field and apple trees. In that case, time moved slower than New York City tourists... to whom I am also tremendously grateful for choosing live entertainment as one of their NYC attractions.

And here are some of the more recent highlights of my reality:

I got to dance in Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance with the Man himself...

...on World Tours to almost 30 countries (tour bus toilet capacity - 8 people)...

...and on Broadway!

I was a German Officer in an Off-Broadway production of LETTERS TO SALA by Arlene Hutton...
...worked with James Lapine, William Finn and Josh Prince on A NEW BRAIN for Encore! series at New York City Center...
...used magic of the screen to become a cello player in an indie short "The Audition"...
...recorded a couple of songs here and there...
...played the nicest teacher in my graduation play at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre...

...and on jumped for a photography project on Wall Street...
...and I can't wait for what's next!
Thank you so much for visiting my website and reading about me... You can also follow my Instagram for more photos, and Facebook or Twitter for updates and current projects!